Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Other Princesses

Clockwise from Left: Sue Bates, Mother Theresa, Florence Nightingale, Dorothy Day.

Like Mordor, the Eye of Disney has found our daughter, all the way in remote Romania, thousands of latitudinal miles and hundreds of experiential miles away from the Magic Kingdom, without a single Disney movie under our roof. It’s like our daughter was born with a Disney-shaped-hole in her heart that can only be filled with the Disney princesses – and anything with them on it. What is this really about? At the age of 2, before she could be aware that other girls had similarly shaped holes in their hearts, she would toddle into a store and, as if a magnet was pulling her, amble directly to whatever was nearest covered in Disney princesses. And she wouldn't let go.

So Dana and I were thinking about creating a counter-world, a world full of princesses (of course they will have to be beautiful, lithe, and genteelly clothed): The Other Princesses. The Other Princesses, because they care for others. We’d give them an outward-focus, a moral beauty to surpass their physical appeal, a selflessness and moral courage and cleverness about tending to and mending the plight of others (be they wounded bunnies or the indigent or polluted waters).


JenHolly said...

I absolutely love this idea. We all need to recognize the myriads of princesses around us who do so much for the world in a million different small and large ways. Thanks for being our prince and princesses.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post! I love the idea of the other princesses! And welcome to the world of blogging. I have so much enjoyed my own "creative outlet" and the connection with others that it affords.
Caren and the Swansons

kristinkirchmaier said...

i often wonder how i will teach julia about the importance of inner beauty as she grows up in a world so concerned with outer appearance. (everytime someone comments "oh, what a beautiful baby!" i want to lean down and whisper in her ear, "but it's your character that counts.") she already looks up to her cousin briana (she kisses her picture more times a day than i can count), and i love it! thanks for helping inspire her, and me.

Melissa Belmonte said...

I love this post. Have you read or seen "consuming kids"? Scary. Atticus is drawn to Disney princesses, too.

Have you read "The Paper Bag Princess"? She could kick all these other princess little butts!!